Monthly rhythms :: how the luteal phase mimics Autumn

We are cyclical beings brought here to live in unison with life and earthly cycles, intuitively connected to our energy moment-to-moment, phase-to-phase, season-to-season. Our ability to embrace the full spectrum of our existence without clinging to an ideal, or patriarchal mode of living and being, helps us to acknowledge and synchronise with the various cycles that influence us. We can deepen our intuition and connection with nature. We can respond to our needs, and the needs of others, with greater sensitivity and compassion.

The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle mimics Autumn. Our energy, and the energy within our environment, starts to decrease and provides us with a beautiful opportunity to go within. We can slow down, settle, retreat, and go inward.

Hormonal dance

The luteal phase is nestled between ovulation and menstruation and is the longest phase in the menstrual cycle (days 17-28, depending on your cycle length). Oestrogen and serotonin decrease - our outward energy and focus starts to fade as a result. Progesterone dominates, which can make us feel fatigued. Our hormones ask us to move within, reduce what’s on our agenda and start to nest for rest.

Movement for Autumn

Picture a tree shedding its leaves in Autumn; its energy moving deep into its roots to be conserved for the warmer months. Our movement practice might mimic Autumn by moving from a dynamic practice, becoming more slow-moving - perhaps starting with an energised practice, then winding down into a more grounded practice. This could be captured in one sequence, or perhaps a dynamic practice which becomes gradually more slow-moving as a woman moves towards menstruation, or closer to Winter.

Asana (postures) that might feel good to balance our energy: Inversions (headstand, shoulder stand, legs up the wall), cat/cow, seated or reclined twists, active or supported backbends, or the opposite in grounded forward folding shapes.

During this phase/season, movement might feel good, or it might feel best to rest. I encourage you to listen to what your body is asking of you. Avoid being too prescriptive during this phase - move intuitively.


Monthly rhythms :: how the menstrual phase mimics Winter


What we forget about the female menstrual cycle, and why the Infradian Rhythm matters